Mrs. Teacher

Lately I’ve had several opportunities to teach a class on my 7 steps at a local pregnancy center. The makeup of the class is constantly changing, so I never know what’s going to happen. One week I had a class where no one spoke English and I had to think fast on my feet to figure out how to communicate! Thankfully I was able to connect with the ladies over the fact that my mom grew up in Mexico. We even had some laughs, whew!

I’ve gotten a wide spectrum of ladies from those who say they’ve got organization in the bag, to those who say their home is overflowing with stuff and they just don’t know where to start. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to encourage them no matter where they’re at, relate to many of their stories and struggles, and teach them some of what I’ve learned over the years that has brought more beauty into my life.

It’s a lot of information! And for some it’s a brand new way of thinking. So at the end I leave them with some basic tips to bring it all together:

# 1. Everything has a place, so you can enjoy your space!

#2. Contain everything! The majority of what we own can and should be in some form of container.

#3. Clean as you go. Counter to popular belief this is actually a time saver!

#4. If it don’t fit, something’s gotta go!

These basic 4 are core to creating and maintaining order in any space.

Happy organizing!

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